Who can use REB Exchange?
REB Exchange (REBX) is for researchers who:
apply for ethics review for their study, and
collaborate with other researchers or will have multiple study sites.
Any approved study can use REBX to add Participating Sites (pSites).
How does it affect my process?
Lead Site
Once a study receives ethics approval, the researcher can use REBX to add a pSite at any time. Once a pSite is added, the original study becomes the Lead Site.
pSites will receive an invitation to join the approved application
pSites submit site-specific information and documents, which will be administratively reviewed in the context of the already-approved ethics application
Lead Site can view all ethics documentation for all sites; the Lead Site receives notification of any pSite activity
There are no additional steps to add investigators at pSites to the system; full access for all partners (AHS, NACTRC, etc) is included
pSites are responsible for site-specific submissions pertaining to changes or events occurring at their own research site
All sites will be included on the ethics approval/renewal certificate and any modification or reportable event letters.
Participating Site
Participating Sites will no longer be required to submit an entire ethics application. With REBX, pSites will only be required to submit information and documents specific to their site.
With REBX, pSites will:
Receive an invitation from Lead ethics applicant via REBX
Accept the invitation, edit and submit the information documents specific to their site
Submit site-specific documents
pSite host institution will conduct a brief administrative screen of your application prior to sending for ethics review
REB of Record reviews site-specific documents in the context of the already-approved ethics application
Use or edit templates created by the lead researcher team
Edit site-specific details throughout the study including submitting changes or events
All sites will be included on the approval/renewal certificate and any modification or reportable event letters.
Benefits for all collaborators:
Single ethics expiry date across all sites in the study
During the course of research, study-wide changes, amendments, documents etc. are submitted by the Lead Site, which are then approved/acknowledged simultaneously for all pSites
All ethics submissions are reviewed by the REB of Record:
Following review, the REB may request additional information, clarification, or changes.
All REB review and decision letters are accessible within REBX.
All queries from the REB of Record must be responded to directly in the system.
Process Overview
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